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Gayle King Is Going to Be a Grandmother

 Gayle King and Kirby Bumpus

Jim Spellman/WireImage

Gayle King's daughter, Kirby Bumpus, is expecting her first child! King announced the exciting news on Wednesday.

Bumpus married her husband, Virgil Miller, at Oprah Winfrey's home in Santa Barbara, California, in December after getting engaged in February 2019. On CBS This Morning, King revealed that her first grandchild is due in September.

"I have been bursting and wanting to share this news," the 66-year-old journalist exclaimed. "I said, 'Kirby, when can I make it the talk of the table?' and she said, 'Not yet.' I got to tell my sisters this weekend and she told her friends so today was the day I was able to tell."

"She would not allow me to show any pictures but she did allow me to share their birth announcement," she continued. "It's a photo of their dog, Slater, with a sign saying, 'My parents are getting me a human September 2021!'"

King went on to hilariously note that she did not want to be called "grandma," and gave her own suggestions on what her grandchild should call her.

"I did The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday and was talking about it with Ellen and she said the baby should call me 'Miss Lady,'" she said. "I don't want that. I don't like 'Grandma.' I don't like 'Gigi.' Right now I'll tell you what I like, and nobody likes it but me, I like 'Gaya,' that means mother earth. Oprah thinks its stupid and pretentious. I like it. I thought 'mumsy,' Kirby hated that. Somebody said 'Gammy,' that sounds like an old lady with no teeth. These are all my own issues. I am soliciting names."

Later, King said she will try to respect her 32-year-old daughter's boundaries and wishes when asked if she plans to spoil the baby.

"I will follow her rules of the house. That's what I'm gonna do," she said. "I am gonna do exactly what I am told. I am gonna serve when asked to serve. I did ask if I could be in the delivery room and I got crickets on that so we will see."

Meanwhile, during her upcoming appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, King admits that she's been keeping a list of baby names even before her daughter got pregnant. King knows the baby’s sex but is keeping her lips shut. She did share that she was hoping for a boy.

“Listen, I'm the oldest of four girls," she explains. "My whole life I wanted a big brother -- my whole life. I just saw that people with big brothers were lucky. So I always like a firstborn to be a boy, then the second one is a girl. Then you have a big brother that takes care of you. That’s just my own little fantasy.”

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